Collection: Homeopathy

Based on a system known as 'the law of similars', it has been found that horses are a species of animal which respond exceptionally well to homeopathy. For the informed horse owner it can be a valuable aid in animal care.

There is no doubt however, that in many cases the use of the same products listed here on the human owner (which we wholeheartedly encourage) can give confidence for future use with animals, giving first-hand experience of what use it can be to all of us.

Generally this is a safe, inexpensive and effective aid for horse and owner, and useful to support veterinary treatment in more serious situations. (It is perfectly legal to use homeopathy on your own animal). Many vets quite happily accept supporting homeopathic remedies, on the basis that they can at the very least do no harm. They will not interfere with traditional medicines, some vets are positively pro-active in their use, having also experienced the benefits first hand.

This simple leaflet is a very general guide to a 200 year old widely accepted system of complementary therapy. Some of the mentioned products can make a very useful addition to your first aid cabinet.

Homeopathy supports the theory that our body possesses immense power to correct its own problems. Homeopathy works in harmony with the body and its natural systems.

Many of these products are available in your local chemist, but not necessarily in the strengths recommended to use here. generally 200c is used for immediate first aid as it appears the most effective and convenient to use. A few however are recommended at 30c dilution when ongoing use may be suitable for a more long term situation. The occasional remedy such as echinacea (30x) have their own specific strength, recommended for equines in situations mentioned here.

The tablets are best given two or three at a time in apple or carrot offered to the horse. Alternatively, dropping directly into the large cavity of the lower lip, ensures immediate take up by the mucus membrane and quick absorption. A couple of tablets at a time are ample. It is best not to touch them.

Aim to give the tablets at least 15 minutes before or after food, so maximise absorption. They should not be just added to the feed.

Regular use will give you the confidence of how and when to use. You won't go far wrong if you remember, more often, 2 or 3 times daily for immediate first aid and much less often, once a day or less, for long term use. Each product listed however, does have application suggestions to help you further.