1.8kg Minty Munchies


Perfect horsey treats! They are low sugar, fibre-based nuggets that are also cereal-grain-free and have a delicious minty smell - they have been throughly tested by my own horses and given 5 stars!

Excellent treats to use when clicker-training your horse or in a treat ball.

Minty Munchies typically contain 11% starch and 6% sugar.

Compositon: Wheatfeed, dried grass, hi fibre oat by-product, molasses, calcium carbonate, permitted binder, soya oil (produced from GM soya), calcium propionate (E282), natural flavour, sodium carbonate, calcium formate 238.

Analytical constituents

cr. oils & fats 3.5%                sodium   0.07%

crude protein  12%                 selenium 0.1mg/kg

crude fibre      18%                 dry matter   88%

crude ash       7.5%                 DE horse    11MJ/kg

Our Price: £7.49